#me#us#now engages young people between 15 and 30 years in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and VET professionals across Europe. The projects raises awareness and self-efficacy of young people concerning climate change and sustainability.
Identify the level of awareness, needs and barriers of the target group
Support low-qualified young people in VET to raise their awareness and self-efficacy concerning climate change
Motivate them to identify, develop and implement effective and sustainable countermeasures usable and adaptable in daily life
Encourage the development of common values
Support VET professionals in motivating the target group and implementing the achieved results
Provide meaningful and innovative tools, activities and measures that are easy to implement and to adapt by VET professionals
Create a networking platform for the exchange between VET professionals and other experts
Stimulate VET, educational and political discussions
Support VET institutions and VET schools with innovative results
Contribute to effective countermeasures against climate change for young people

Copyright © of all #me#us#now documents and products is held by the #me#us#now Project Partnership. Reproduction (in part), sharing, copying and redistributing of the material in any medium or format is permitted provided the source(s) are acknowledged. Remixing, transforming, and building upon the material in any medium or format is permitted provided the source(s) are acknowledged.
The use of all products is free of charge.